Developing Data Spaces for Energy: Int:net Cluster, the European Commission, and Energy Data Spaces projects met in Brussels

Feb 8, 2024News

Enershare took part in the Int:net cluster meeting with the DG ENER and DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CNECT) representatives in Brussels. Enershare Consortium partners such as Trialog, TNO, IDSA took part in the meeting to present the project and discuss the key topic of the blueprint for the Common European Energy Data Space that Int:net is preparing for the Energy Data Space market. 

The landscape of European Energy Data Space projects is successfully growing and developing. Therefore, three new EU projects were presented that will work on further digitalisation of the energy sector with relevance for Data Space activities. They are:

  • HEDGE-IoT: holistic approach towards empowerment of the digitalisation of the Energy Ecosystem through adoption of IoT solutions;
  • ODEON:federated data and Intelligence Orchestration and sharing for the Digital Energy transition;
  • TwinEU: presents the development of Digital Twin for Europe.

Exprerts discussed one of the of the main  topics on how to respond to the EC demands, the way of presenting the Data Space on the “local” or “participant” side to some extent as misunderstandings were assumed there, and how to explain the concept of Data Spaces to the expected audience.

For more information about the Enershare project for the Energy Data Space market follow the official website.

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