Common European Energy Data Space: The second Plenary Meeting of Enershare project took place in Lisbon

Nov 16, 2022News

Representatives of 31 international organisations from the energy industry and science led by ENGINEERING met at the Plenary Meeting in Lisbon to discuss and overview the first results, current progress and the next steps of the Enershare project, funded by the European Commission. During the plenary meeting, the press release on the topic of “Enershare project received 8 million euros to develop the first Common European Energy Data Space” was launched.

Dr. Massimo Bertoncini, Project Coordinator of Enershare, R&D Program Director for Digital Energy at ENGINEERING, together with the consortium partners composed by Asm Terni S.p.A, Basque Energy Cluster, Comsensus, Depa Commercial, Electricite De France, Elektro Celje, Elektro Ljubljana, Eles, Emotion, Engie, Envirodual, European Dynamics Luxembourg, European Dynamics, FIWARE Foundation, Fortum, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Hine Renovables, INESC TEC, International Data Spaces Association, Komunalno Podjetje Velenje, National Technical University of Athens, Nokia, R&D Nester, RWTH Aachen, Smart Energy Lab, Smart Innovation Norway, Tecnalia Research and Innovation Foundation, The Latvian Environmental Investment Fund, TNO, and Trialog, focused their attention on the following topics:

  • requirements, user stories capitalisation and Energy Data Space design;
  • technical issues on Trust and sovereignty enabling framework and building blocks;
  • data and services marketplaces for data sharing value creation and energy compensation;
  • work organisation and technical discussion on Cross-value chain AI-based data-driven services;
  • planning, work organisation and next steps for integration and development of European Energy Data Space;
  • exploitation and sustainability plans, contribution to standards;
  • next steps to build community and ecosystem and link them with the Data Space ecosystem.

It is in the consortium’s strategy to plan offline and online events right from the start. In fact, ENERSHARE will participate in the next EnLIT (29th of November-1st of December) in Frankfurt through a booth shared with other new projects in the EU Projects Space.

The coordinator of the project will participate as a speaker on the 30th of November in the Interoperability in Energy data Space Session.

In addition to the website for more information about Enershare read the information brochure. Download the brochure here.

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