Enershare facilitates the energy sovereign and trusted data exchange.

Sharing and enabling the transition of current energy systems towards more smart and decentralized paradigms.

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Massimo Bertoncini

R&D Opportunities Manager

Project Aims

Enershare defines a Data-Driven Reference Architecture for the energy domain, which is compliant with FIWARE, IDSA and GAIA-X. It creates a marketplace based on Blockchain and Smart Contracts with the aim of improving mutual trust amongst the actors of the ecosystem and increasing the security of the shared data. It also enables a compensation system (even non-monetary) of assets and resources related to data (e.g., datasets, algorithms, models) with energy assets and services (e.g., maintenance of heating system, surplus transfer of locally self-produced energy).

Project Partners

The leading experts in Energy and Data Management

Drop a line

Got a question or need more information? Reach out to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.